Pole Dance Courses are a brilliant way to try something new and start with people your level, progressing together as a group. You will attend at the same day and time each week for 6 weeks, meeting new people and having a laugh while you get fit! This course is aimed at people who are new to pole dance but have always wanted to give it a try. We will cover beginners spins, static holds on the pole and linking moves together. We will work on both static pole and spinning pole. 

Each class runs for 1.5 hours and you will be guided through a thorough warm up at the beginning of the session and a cool down and stretch at the end.

Please note we do not teach inverts / going upside down in beginner’s class – please contact us if you aren’t sure which class to book onto – we are happy to answer any questions you may have.

Please note there will be other people in the class who will have taken part in previous beginners courses but are not yet ready to move up to intermediate. They will be working on completely separate moves and will be on separate poles from anyone who is joining the course for the first time. We believe in moving at everyone’s individual pace and will always set moves depending on everyone’s strengths and preferences. We will make sure everyone is supported and working safely at their own level. Other students are not the enemy – they are there to support and encourage you! Everyone starts somewhere and everyone is learning together. If you are not sure if this if for you please feel free to browse our range of private classes.

Halfway through the course (on week 3) you will be emailed an invite to book onto the next beginner’s course. The next course will start straight after the current course ends. You won’t be repeating the same content, the teacher will make sure you are still progressing at your own pace, getting stronger and developing your confidence. Unfortunately we can’t put people straight into intermediate after one beginners course – it takes time to learn the fundamentals of pole dance and the jump from beginner to intermediate is quite big! The last thing we want is for people to feel uncomfortable in their classes or get injured so please don’t be offended if we suggest that people stay on the beginners course. It’s better to take time to feel confident building up the fundamentals and we will be with you every step of the way to support you and make it fun!

What do I wear?

For beginners we recommend leggings you can roll above your knee and a top you are comfortable in. You can have socks, trainers or bare feet. We run dancing in heels classes separately. You don’t need to bring anything with you except a bottle of water and a towel if you don’t want to share with other people.

  • Complete pole dance beginners, including people who have never touched a pole before
  • Those who may have had a few lessons previously
  • People who have had a break from pole or aerial arts for a year or more
  • People with no aerial, pole, dance or fitness experience – anyone can have a go!
6 weeks payable up front. For the latest dates and times please click here to see our online booking system. (PLEASE NOTE: if you book onto a course please make sure you can commit to 6 weeks of the same day and time each week. Courses are non transferable and non refundable under any circumstances once payment has been received. All terms and conditions are listed on the online booking system, please read before booking.