weird and wondeful 2014 swindon learn to pole dance leicester pole dance classes leicester

I was so happy and excited to be asked to perform at Weird and Wonderful 2014 by Emily Smith – I love this showcase as it has loads of hugely varied acts including aerial hoop, silks, tippy hoop, pole and doubles acro! It was a completely sold out show too and the atmosphere was electric!

This year I decided to perform by aerial cube act at the showcase – this was a challenge for me as there are not many predetermined moves on the aerial cube so I had to make them up as I went along! This was fantastic creatively but took lots of time and bruises to get right! However everyone really enjoyed it and so did I and I can’t wait to perform it again at the Flight Fitness 2nd Birthday party!

Thanks so much for inviting me Emily it is always a pleasure 🙂

weird and wondeful 2014 swindon learn to pole dance leicester pole dance classes leicesterweird and wondeful 2014 swindon learn to pole dance leicester pole dance classes leicesteraerial hoop classes leicester aerial silks classes leicester pole dance classes leicester learn how to pole dance leicester10570396_807482815950126_7221971399390937632_n


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