Saturday 23rd September marks Flight Fitness’ 5th birthday! We will be hosting a charity birthday party in aid of LOROS. Help us celebrate by watching beautiful performances and having a go on some of our low rigged equipment. Instructors will be floating about to help with […]
Thank you to everyone who attended our 2nd Birthday celebrations back in August – we raised £470 for Macmillan Cancer Trust and it was such a brilliant day! We had a pole dance performance from Colleyna (who came 3rd at the Midlands Pole Champs), an aerial […]
To celebrate an amazing two years we are hosting an open studio – all money to Macmillan! The idea is you rock up, pay £3 entry / £1 for kids (or more if you want, it’s all for a good cause!) into the charity bucket and […]
Aerial Hoopaerial hoop leicesterAerial SilksAerial silks leicesterBurlesqueCircus SkillsClassesDanceEventsFitnessFlexibilitygymnastics classes leicestergymnastics for adults leicesterHandstands leicesterHula Hoopimprove your handstandsInstructorsPartiesPerformancePoiPole Dance LeicesterPole FitnessPole JamShowcasesStudents
I was so happy and excited to be asked to perform at Weird and Wonderful 2014 by Emily Smith – I love this showcase as it has loads of hugely varied acts including aerial hoop, silks, tippy hoop, pole and doubles acro! It was a completely […]
AchievementsAerial Hoopaerial hoop leicesterAerial SilksAerial silks leicesterCircuitsCircus SkillsClassesCompetitionConditioningDanceEventsFitnessFlexibilityHandstands leicesterHula Hoopimprove your handstandsInstructorsMasterclassesMerchandisePartiesPerformancePoiPole Dance LeicesterPole FitnessPole JamShowcases
Flight Fitness had an amazing time at Barefoot Festival in Loughborough recently! We were there teaching poi spinning, aerial hoop and pole workshops and performing in all 3 shows that happened across the weekend. Our resident circus skills teacher Adam taught the poi workshops, performed […]
To celebrate Christmas we are having an open jam in the studio on Saturday 7th December 1pm – 4pm. Everyone is welcome and all the equipment will be available for people to play on (but please be safe!) we will also have all the heaters going […]
Leamington Spa Hula Hoopers all love their hoops so they decided to try something a little different – a hoop in the air! The Hula Hoopers are all ages from all different backgrounds and every single one of them got up into the hoop and performed […]
On Saturday 25th May Flight Fitness hosted it’s long awaited launch party. It has taken us almost a year to finish everything in the studio but we are so happy it has finally been completed! Almost 100 people came to party with us in the studio […]
Flight Fitness hosted a brilliant party recently as a teambuilding event! This lovely team pictured above spun, shimmied and pole danced their way to happiness even learning a routine at the end! WIth snacks and drinks provided by Flight, they had a demonstration by two current […]