lauren-red_2015-03-14_flightfitnesspolemarch-1012_webWhat is Slinky Stilettos? Supersexy dance using the pole – what more do I need to say?!

SATURDAY 20th JUNE 1:00pm – 3:00pm – £12.50pp

This two hour class will be split into two parts – the first hour will focus on Attitude and Sass (think finger snaps, heel bangs and fierce faces) and the second hour will focus on Slinking round the pole, taking it Slow and Sexifying your moves! We will learn two separate routines in the two different styles.

There will be no inverts, no tricks and no spins in this workshop – only sexy transitions and dance on the pole and floor.

Suitable for everyone including beginners and those who have never touched a pole before! There will be a limit of 10 to a workshop so you will have a pole each – no standing around! There are no prior fitness or flexibility requirements – this workshop is for everyone who wishes to take part.




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