ALEX GREEN is the founder of Stratfire fire gathering who meet every week in Stratford for a friendly Spin Win of glow and fire props. He is a Circus Theatre artist who performed and trained for 7 years with local Fire troupe COMBUST. You can catch him teaching and performing with them at this years Barefoot festival as part of the BIG saturday night burn. Epic fun to watch and be apart of 🙂
As a Wing Chun instructor Alex has trained with the best for many years. His passion for the Martial Art lead him to travelling extensively around the country as a student until 4years ago when he decided to teach. Ever since then his skills as a teacher have become a corner stone of his love for life. leading classes from young and wise; from beginner to advanced. Alex has been spin winning (or free flowing) for over 10 years and so Flight Fitness is privileged to have him here to teach for us.
So, just what is Contact staff?
Using your body’s natural balancing points your staff spins and flows as it sticks to you in a way never experienced before. Mesmerising all those who watch you. Just how does it seem to effortlessly flow around your body? Read further and book now to find out.
THIS MASTERCLASS is aimed squarely at the beginner to intermediate with some advanced tricks and concepts to intrigue even the advanced spinner. So even if you have never picked up a staff before – this workshop is for you!
When is it?
Saturday 31st May 1pm – 4pm
£20 for 3hrs tuition. PAY with PAYPAL using as the payee.
* A basic understanding of the contact staff principles. Inc. Main locks and transitions around the body.
* Games and drills will help you learn at your pace and with a big smile whilst you do it 🙂
* Look at how you can create your own flow to keep you amused for years to come. Please follow the link to book now. Don’t delay as spaces are limited to 16. If we exceed that then another time will be made available.
In the words of 6music’s Huey Morgan “sharing is caring”. So please share this link on your page, to friends and family old and new. This is not to be missed. Boom!
A-Dam 🙂
P.s. want to get to grips (pun intended) with some contact staff? Then why not join A-Dam @ Flight Fitness on Tuesdays for Circus skills classes at 7-9pm every week.
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