The AMAZING and very knowledgeable Kristina Nekyia of Fit and Bendy fame is coming to teach workshops at Flight Fitness!
11am – 1pm Stretch and Strengthen (all levels beginners welcome) £35 per person
1.30pm – 3.30pm Contortion technique (must be able to do splits and bridges) £35 per person
Kristina has a WEALTH of knowledge and has helped pole stars such as Natasha Wang and Brynn Route among others to increase their flexibility safely and consistently.
We will be running 2 workshops – the first is for anyone who wants to take part and the second has some flexibility requirements. Read below for the full workshop break down.
STRETCH AND STRENGTHEN – Circus Style Flexibility Training
Sunday 20th September 11am – 1pm
£35 per person
This workshop is for adults who would like to increase their flexibility and range of motion. Students will learn how to safely stretch their legs, hips, shoulders, and back while building the muscle and balance needed to use your flexibility. Techniques are drawn from circus contortion and dance techniques. This class is ideal for circus performers, dancers, martial artists, yogis, athletes, and anyone else who would like to open up their body to a new way of moving. Stretching safely makes your body healthier, stronger, and more resistant to injury.
Sunday 20th September
£35 per person
This class is for the intermediate/advanced flexibility student ready to take her or his stretching to the next level. Students will develop their back, leg, hip, and shoulder flexibility through assisted stretches, then learn to use that range of motion in contortion movements and poses. Special attention will be given to developing the strength and technique to support the body during extreme bending. The class requires familiarity with stretching and a preexisting fitness level; MUST BE ABLE TO COMFORTABLY DO SPLITS AND BRIDGES.
Kristina Nekyia is a flexibility fitness and contortion coach in Hollywood, California. A lifelong dancer, at 31 years old Kristina decided to become a contortionist, about 20 years after the recommended age to begin training. She was fortunate enough to find renowned Mongolian contortionist Serchmaa Byamba who agreed to train her. For five years Kristina trained at San Francisco Circus Center, including a trip to Mongolia to study with the Mongolian National Circus. She went on to perform a belly dance contortion act with Serchmaa, and she continues to perform solo contortion and dance acts across the country.
Inspired by Serchmaa’s teaching, Kristina has dedicated herself to the study and teaching of flexibility fitness. She earned her Pilates certification from Body Arts & Sciences International and has engaged in extensive research into body mechanics, anatomy, and the science of stretching. She founded the flexibility and contortion programs at Cirque School LA where she worked with hundreds of students from beginner to advanced, and she has taught workshops at circus schools, dance studios, and Pilates studios from Seattle to New York. She is currently a Pilates instructor, specializing in Pilates-based stretching and Pilates for contortionists.
Kristina founded Fit & Bendy to share her love of stretching. She believes that proper technique and body mechanics are the key to unlocking the full potential of the body to release tension and move with strength, grace, and an expansive range of motion. Her first instructional DVD, Get Bent: Circus Style Flexibility, was released in 2013 with a second DVD due in 2014. She provides specialized training to athletes, circus performers, dancers, martial artists, and anyone else seeking the beauty of the bend.
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