Bendy kate world champion pole dancer masterclass leicester flight fitness learn to pole dance leicesterFlight Fitness is very proud to announce that we are hosting the current World Champion Bendy Kate in October! Bendy Kate has won numerous national and international Pole Sport competitions and regularly travels the World teaching masterclasses. We are very lucky to host her in Leicester as her tour schedule is very limited!

Bendy is teaching three workshops – Spinning Around The World, Bendy’s Pole Acrobatics and Make Me Bendy Flexibility Workshop.

The two Pole Tricks masterclasses sold out in less than 12 hours but there may still be spaces on the flexibility workshop if anyone is interested. You can also add yourself to the waiting list for workshops and be notified if spaces become available. Please book using our online booking system.

To learn about the latest workshops, masterclasses and special offers please like our facebook page. Everything gets posted there first so that’s the place to be!


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